Mis à jour le 25/05/23


Please read this SWbank Deposit Account Agreement (the “Agreement”) carefully and retain it for your future reference. This Agreement contains the general terms, conditions and disclosures related to the non-interest-bearing demand deposit account (the “Account”) made available to eligible businesses by SoftWrap LLC (“Program Partner”), the program partner responsible for managing the Account program, in partnership with Blue Ridge Bank, N.A.

When you see the words “we,” “us,” or “our” in this Agreement, it refers to the Bank, the Program Partner acting as agent for the Bank, and any of the Bank’s affiliates, successors, assignees, agents or service providers. When you see the words “you” or “your,” it refers to you, the commercial owner of the Account, as well as your Authorized Users, representatives, officers, agents and successors.

By opening or continuing to hold an account with us, you agree to be bound by this Agreement as well as any other agreement or document we may provide to you from time to time in connection with the Account.


1. Aperçu du compte

1.1 Comment nous contacter

You may contact us with any questions or concerns regarding your Account. All communication between you and us will be handled by the Program Partner. The best way to contact us is through email at help@softwrapbank.com . You may also contact us by live agent chat. Agents are available 24/7, 365 days a year.

1.2 Type de compte et éligibilité

The Account is a non-interest-bearing non-consumer demand deposit account used to hold your business deposits and make certain types of payments and transfers. To open an Account, you must be a sole proprietorship, corporation, unincorporated association, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or partnership (collectively, “Business Entity”) within the fifty (50) United States, the District of Columbia, and all U.S. territories. Other eligibility requirements may apply. This Account may only be used for business purposes and cannot be used for any personal, family or household purposes.

We may decline to open an Account for any reason at the sole discretion of the Bank or Program Partner. We are not liable for any damages or liabilities resulting from refusal of an Account relationship.

1.3 Accès en ligne ou mobile à votre compte

When you open an Account, you will also be enrolled in an online business banking service or mobile application (collectively, “Online Banking Services”) offered by the Program Partner that you can use to access your Account, view information about your Account and conduct certain transactions. You may also be given access to various features through the Online Banking Services separate from your Account. If you cancel your enrollment in the Online Banking Services at any time, we may close your Account (see Section 3.13 below).

Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, the Online Banking Services and any of its features are governed by the Program Partner’s Terms of Use, available at https://softwrapbank.com/terms and Privacy Policy, available at https://softwrapbank.com/privacy-policy . Please review these documents carefully because by using the Online Banking Services, you agree to be bound by them. These services are not provided or controlled by the Bank or this Agreement, and you agree not to hold the Bank liable for issues that may arise from your use of the services or features.

1.4 Compte sans papier

To open an Account, you must agree to go “paperless.” This means that you must (1) provide us with and continue to maintain a valid email address and (2) accept electronic delivery of all communications that we need or decide to send you in connection with your Account by agreeing to our ESIGN Agreement, available at https://softwrapbank.com/esignagreement .

1.5 Utilisateurs autorisés

Vous pouvez avoir la possibilité de désigner des personnes supplémentaires (« Utilisateurs autorisés ») que vous autorisez à accéder à votre compte et/ou à effectuer des transactions via votre compte. En établissant un utilisateur autorisé, vous comprenez que toute autorisation de transaction, instruction ou toute autre action concernant votre compte dans laquelle votre utilisateur autorisé s'engage sera considérée comme autorisée par vous et valide et nous ne sommes pas tenus d'enquêter sur l'autorisation, l'instruction ou l'activité. Vous acceptez également que vous ne nous tiendrez pas responsables d’agir conformément à une telle autorisation, instruction ou activité. Nous continuerons à traiter toutes les actions entreprises par votre utilisateur autorisé comme étant autorisées par vous jusqu'à ce que vous révoquiez l'accès de l'utilisateur autorisé à votre compte en nous en informant par e-mail à help@softwrapbank.com. Nous nous réservons également le droit de mettre fin à l'accès de votre utilisateur autorisé au compte pour quelque raison que ce soit et sans préavis.

1.6 Comment ouvrir un compte

You may open an account by visiting the Program Partner’s website, https://softwrapbank.com , and following the instructions.

Any person completing the Account opening process or otherwise completing any Account opening requirements represents and agrees that they:

- Are fully authorized to execute all documents or otherwise complete our requirements in their stated capacity
- Have furnished all documents or other information necessary to demonstrate that authority
- Will furnish other documents and complete other requirements as we may request them
- Certify that, to the best of his or her knowledge, all information provided to us, including information concerning beneficial owners, is complete and correct

We may refuse to recognize any resolution affecting the Account that appears to us to be incomplete or improperly executed.

Informations importantes sur les procédures d'ouverture d'un nouveau compte : To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify and record information identifying each person who opens an Account. This means that when you open an Account, we will ask for information that allows us to identify you. We may also ask for a driver’s license or other identifying documents for your business, Authorized Users, account owners, and your officers, directors, beneficial owners, controlling shareholders and others.

1.7 Dépôts et soldes minimaux

Aucun dépôt minimum n'est requis pour ouvrir un compte ni aucun solde minimum que vous devez maintenir sur votre compte.

1.8 Divulgations d'intérêts

Ce compte ne porte pas intérêt. Aucun intérêt ne sera payé sur ce compte.

1.9 Autorité

You agree that we may honor and rely upon the instructions or the execution, delivery and/or negotiation of any check, substitute check, draft, withdrawal order, instruction or similar instrument (collectively, “items”) or document by any of your authorized agents regardless of the necessity or reasonableness of such action, the circumstances of any transactions affected by such action, the amount of the transaction, the source or disposition of any proceeds and regardless of whether the relevant items or documents result in payment to the authorized agent or an individual obligation of the authorized agent or anyone else. “Authorized agents” include Authorized Users and any person who has signed a signature card, who is authorized by this Agreement, any resolution or otherwise to access or use the Account. It also includes any person who has been permitted by you or another authorized agent to act on your behalf in dealing with us.

You agree that you may not deny the authenticity, validity, binding effect and authorization of any action we take in reliance upon the instructions, items or documents provided by an authorized agent unless you have previously revoked such person’s authority to access or use your Account by emailing us at help@softwrapbank.com and we have confirmed our acceptance of your notice.

1.10 Procuration et fondés de pouvoir

We may allow you to give another person (known as an “attorney-in-fact”) power of attorney to act on your behalf for your Account. You must obtain written approval from us before we will honor any power of attorney. Email us at help@softwrapbank.com for approval if you plan to create a power of attorney. Please be aware that it may take up to two weeks for us to review your request. If approved, we will honor orders and instructions from your attorney-in-fact until (1) we receive a written revocation from you; (2) we are notified that you or your attorney-in-fact have died or become incapacitated; or (3) we terminate our acceptance of the power of attorney. We may terminate our acceptance at any time, for any reason and without notice to you, and you agree not to hold us liable for any damages that may result from such action. You also agree to hold us harmless for any actions we take based on the instructions of your attorney-in-fact, including if it is later determined that your power of attorney was invalid or improperly executed.

1.11 Décès ou incapacité

Vous acceptez que si nous recevons une notification ou si nous avons des raisons de croire que vous ou tout utilisateur autorisé êtes décédé ou êtes devenu juridiquement incapable, nous pouvons suspendre votre compte et refuser toutes les transactions jusqu'à ce que nous connaissions et ayons vérifié l'identité de votre successeur. . Jusqu'à ce que nous recevions un avis et toute preuve requise de décès ou d'incapacité, nous pouvons continuer à accepter des dépôts et à traiter des transactions sur votre compte. Votre succession sera responsable de nous rembourser tout impôt à payer résultant du paiement du solde de votre compte à votre succession. Vous acceptez de nous tenir indemnes de toute action que nous entreprenons sur la base de notre conviction que vous êtes décédé ou devenu incapable. Si certains paiements provenant d’entités gouvernementales sont déposés sur votre compte après votre décès, nous pourrions être tenus de restituer ces paiements à l’expéditeur sur préavis.

1.12 Notre relation avec vous

En ouvrant un compte, nous établissons une relation de compte avec vous et nous nous engageons à agir de bonne foi et à faire preuve de diligence raisonnable dans nos relations avec vous, tel que défini par le Uniform Commercial Code tel qu'adopté par le Commonwealth de Virginie. Le présent Contrat et la relation avec le Compte ne créent pas de relation fiduciaire ou toute autre relation particulière entre vous et nous.

1.13 Fournisseurs de services tiers

We work with one or more third-party service providers, including Unit Finance Inc. (“Unit”), in connection with your Account. Unit may assist us in processing transactions, handing account operations, and providing technological connection to the Program Partner and the Bank. By using your Account, you license and authorize us to access information maintained by Unit and/or other third parties, on your behalf as your agent, and you expressly authorize such third parties to disclose your information to us. In particular, you agree that Unit may perform any functions on your Account that we are otherwise authorized to perform and that Unit’s access and use of your information will be governed by the terms of Unit’s Privacy Policy, available at https://www.unit.co/clients-privacy-policy .

1.14 Confidentialité et notre politique de confidentialité

Your privacy is very important to us. Under this Agreement, we will only disclose information about your Account or the transactions you make in accordance with our Privacy Policy, available at https://www.mybrb.com/privacy-policy.html . Unit may also disclose information concerning your Account and transactions that it obtains as a third-party service provider in accordance with its Unit’s Privacy Policy, available at https://www.unit.co/clients-privacy-policy . By opening an Account, you agree to both our and Unit’s privacy policies.

In addition, we disclose your information to Unit in order to facilitate the Account and for other ancillary purposes. You agree to Unit’s use of your information in accordance with the terms of Unit’s Privacy Policy, available at https://www.unit.co/clients-privacy-policy .

1.15 Communications par téléphone cellulaire

En nous fournissant votre numéro de téléphone pour un téléphone cellulaire ou autre appareil sans fil, vous consentez expressément à recevoir des communications non commerciales à ce numéro, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, des appels par messages vocaux préenregistrés ou artificiels, des messages texte et des appels passés par un composeur automatique de notre part et de nos affiliés et agents. Ce consentement s'applique à tous les numéros de téléphone que vous nous fournissez maintenant ou à l'avenir. Votre fournisseur de services téléphoniques ou mobiles peut vous facturer ces appels ou messages. Vous acceptez également que nous puissions enregistrer ou surveiller toute communication à des fins de contrôle qualité et de formation.

1.16 Nos jours ouvrables

Nos jours ouvrables sont du lundi au vendredi, hors jours fériés fédéraux.

2. Responsabilités de votre compte

Nous nous efforçons de maintenir la sécurité de votre compte et de vous fournir des outils et des services pour vous aider à gérer votre compte. Cependant, vous devez prendre certaines mesures pour protéger votre compte et vos fonds.

2.1. Informez-nous si vos informations changent

Vous devez nous informer immédiatement en cas de changement dans votre nom commercial ou commercial, les noms de toute personne physique ou utilisateur autorisé ayant accès à votre compte, votre numéro de téléphone, votre adresse postale, votre adresse électronique ou toute autre information que vous nous avez fournie afin que nous puissions peut continuer à vous fournir des relevés et des avis importants concernant votre compte.

2.2. Gardez une trace de vos transactions et de votre solde disponible

It is very important that you keep track of your transactions and the funds in your Account that are available for you to use (“Available Balance”) by reviewing your transaction history. It is also important to understand that your Available Balance may not reflect transactions you have authorized that have not yet been presented to us for payment.

You are also responsible for reviewing your Account statements as they are made available to you for errors or unauthorized activity. If you identify an error or unauthorized activity, you must notify us promptly to avoid losing your money. Please refer to Sections 3.11, 4.5, 4.6, and 5.10 for information concerning errors and unauthorized activity.

2.3. Protégez les informations de votre compte

It is very important that you protect your Account information to prevent unauthorized transactions and fraud. Keep your Account number, debit card, ATM card and statements secure at all times, and be careful about who you share this information with. If the Program Partner provides you with access to Online Banking Services, make sure to also keep your computer or mobile device secure at all times and avoid accessing the Online Banking Services when others can see your screen.

If your Account number, debit card, ATM card, mobile device or Online Banking Services login credentials are lost or stolen, notify us immediately to keep your losses to a minimum. Please refer to Section 4.5 for information and applicable deadlines for notifying us of losses or theft.

3. Règles générales régissant votre compte

Vous comprenez que toute instruction ou activité de paiement effectuée à l'aide des services bancaires en ligne qui vous sont fournis par le partenaire du programme sera considérée comme autorisée par vous et valide et nous ne sommes pas tenus d'enquêter sur l'instruction ou l'activité.

3.1. Dépôts sur votre compte

Vous pouvez effectuer des dépôts sur votre compte en utilisant l'une des méthodes décrites ci-dessous. Nous ne vous facturons aucun frais pour effectuer des dépôts.

Méthode de dépôt

Limites de votre compte

Dépôts directs*

Pas de limites

ACH transfers to your Account from a linked bank account with another institution
(See section 3.7)**


Virements internes entre comptes éligibles gérés par le partenaire du programme

Pas de limites

Fil domestique

Pas de limites

Dépôt d'espèces au guichet automatique du réseau


Vous pouvez utiliser votre carte de débit pour effectuer des dépôts aux guichets automatiques du réseau. Vous pouvez identifier un guichet automatique en réseau en recherchant le logo Allpoint sur ou à proximité du guichet automatique. Vous ne pouvez pas effectuer de dépôts en espèces aux guichets automatiques hors réseau.

Checks (via the Mobile Deposit Services)
(See Section 6)


* The recipient’s name on any direct deposit or ACH transfer must match the name on the Account or the deposit may be returned to the originator.

** You may transfer funds between your Account and another bank account. The linked bank account must be located in the United States.

Nous n’acceptons pas les dépôts en espèces par courrier, ni les dépôts par chèque papier ou en devises : We are not liable for deposits of any kind that you mail to us, including if it is lost in transit, lost in the mail, or otherwise not received by us.

Espèces: We do not accept cash deposits made by mail. If you mail us a cash deposit, we will send the cash back to you.

Chèques papier : If you mail a paper check to us, including personal or business checks, money orders or cashier’s checks, we may apply the check to any negative balance you may have on your Account or send the check back to you.

Monnaie étrangère: We do not accept any deposits in foreign currency. Any deposits received in foreign currency, whether in the form of cash or check, will be sent back to you.

We will send all items back to the address we have for you on file and we are not liable if you do not receive the items.

You may only deposit with us funds that are immediately available, which under applicable law are irreversible and are not subject to any lien, claim or encumbrance.

For more information about deposits and when funds from a deposit will be made available to you, please refer to Section 3.2.

3.2. Notre politique de disponibilité des fonds

Notre politique est de rendre les dépôts effectués sur votre compte chaque jour ouvrable disponibles pour retrait conformément au tableau ci-dessous. La fin de la journée ouvrable est appelée « heure limite de dépôt ». Si vous effectuez un dépôt avant notre heure limite un jour ouvrable où nous sommes ouverts, nous considérerons ce jour comme étant le jour de votre dépôt. Cependant, si vous effectuez un dépôt après notre heure limite ou un jour où nous ne sommes pas ouverts, nous considérerons que le dépôt est effectué le jour ouvrable suivant où nous sommes ouverts.

Si vous effectuez un dépôt via…

L’heure limite est…

Et ces fonds sont disponibles…

Virement interne entre deux comptes que vous avez chez nous

N / A


Dépôt direct

15h00 HE

Le même jour ouvrable

Fil domestique

13h00 HE

Le même jour ouvrable

Dépôt d'espèces au guichet automatique du réseau

15h00 HE

Jour ouvrable suivant

Chèques* (via les services de dépôt mobile)

19h00 HE

Dans les cinq (5) jours ouvrables

* Les dépôts via les services de dépôt mobile ne sont pas soumis aux règles de disponibilité des fonds du Règlement CC.

3.3. Transactions de crédit ACH et article 4A de l'UCC

Credit given by us with respect to an ACH credit entry is provisional until we receive final settlement for such entry through a Federal Reserve Bank.  If we do not receive final settlement, you acknowledge and agree that we are entitled to a refund of the amount credited to you in connection with the ACH credit entry, and the party making payment to you via such entry shall not be deemed to have paid you in the amount of such entry.

Under the operating rules of the National Automated Clearing House Association, which are applicable to ACH transactions involving your Account, we are not required to give next day notice to you of receipt of an ACH item and will not do so. However, we will continue to notify you of the receipt of ACH items through your Account statements.

We may accept on your behalf payments to your Account which have been transmitted through one or more Automated Clearing Houses and which are not subject to the Electronic Fund Transfer Act and your rights and obligations with respect to such payments shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, unless otherwise specified in a separate agreement that the law of some other state shall govern.

3.4. Problèmes pouvant survenir avec les dépôts

Si un dépôt ou un transfert sur votre compte est retourné ou rejeté par l'institution financière payante pour quelque raison que ce soit, ou s'il y a une erreur ou une erreur impliquant un dépôt ou un transfert, nous pouvons déduire le montant du dépôt, du transfert ou de l'erreur sans préavis. avis à vous. S'il n'y a pas suffisamment de fonds sur votre compte à ce moment-là, votre compte peut devenir à découvert. Veuillez vous référer à la section 3.12 concernant les découverts pour plus d'informations.

3.5. Problèmes pouvant survenir avec les dépôts

Vous pouvez transférer des fonds d'un compte à votre nom vers un autre compte à votre nom détenu par nous et géré par le partenaire du programme (un « transfert interne »). Il n'y a aucune limite quant au nombre de transferts internes que vous pouvez effectuer, et les transferts internes sont immédiatement disponibles.

3.6. Retraits de votre compte

Vous pouvez retirer des fonds jusqu'à concurrence du montant de votre solde disponible sur votre compte en utilisant l'une des méthodes suivantes.

Méthode de retrait

Limites de votre compte

Virements internes entre comptes éligibles gérés par le partenaire du programme


Virements ACH de votre compte vers un compte bancaire lié dans une autre institution* (voir la section 3.7)


Virement ACH à un commerçant ou à un autre tiers que vous autorisez à effectuer un retrait de votre compte en utilisant votre numéro de routage et votre numéro de compte


Retraits aux distributeurs automatiques

1 000 $/jour

Transactions aux points de vente et autres transactions chez les commerçants utilisant votre carte de débit

5 000 $/jour

* Vous pouvez transférer des fonds entre votre compte et un autre compte bancaire. Le compte bancaire lié doit être situé aux États-Unis.

If you have been issued a debit card or ATM card for your Account, there may also be limitations that apply to your use of the card. Please refer to the applicable cardholder agreement provided to you with your card for information on any applicable limitations and other terms.

You cannot withdraw funds by check, and we do not permit you to create checks drawn on your Account.

Before permitting a withdrawal or other transaction, we may request that you provide us with additional information or documentation that we deem necessary to confirm your identity or to prevent illegal activity. We may refuse the transaction if you do not comply with our request.

3.7. Virements vers ou depuis des comptes bancaires liés

institution (“linked bank account”) to your Account with us to make inbound and outbound ACH transfers between the linked bank account and your Account through the Online Banking Services. An “inbound transfer” moves funds into your Account from a linked bank account. An “outbound transfer” moves funds from your Account to a linked bank account. We will facilitate transfers to a linked bank account separate and apart from any access we provide you to the ACH Origination Service (see Section 5 below).

For inbound transfers, we will debit your linked bank account and credit your Account with us on the next business day after you initiate the transfer. The funds you transfer to your Account will be made available to you by the fifth (5 ème ) business day after the funds have been credited to your Account.

For outbound transfers, we will debit your Account with us and credit your linked bank account on the next business day after you initiate the transfer. The financial institution that holds your linked bank account determines when those funds will be made available to you in your linked bank account.

The cut-off time for both inbound and outbound transfers is 3:00 PM ET. Transfer requests that you make on a business day before the cut-off time will be considered initiated on that day. Transfer requests that you make after the cut-off time, or on a day that is not a business day, will be considered initiated the following business day.

There are limits to the dollar amount of both inbound and outbound transfers you can make. Please see sections 3.1 and 3.6.

You agree that you will only attempt to link a bank account for which you have the authority to transfer funds. You also agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims by any business or person related to the linked bank account, including any other owner of the linked bank account. You may only link a bank account that is a deposit account, such as a checking, savings or money market account.

3.8. Aucune activité illégale, jeu sur Internet et droit de refuser les transactions

Vous ne devez pas utiliser votre compte à des fins illégales ou, que cela soit légal ou illégal, pour jouer sur Internet. Nous pouvons refuser toute transaction ou refuser d'accepter tout dépôt que nous pensons être lié à une activité illégale, au jeu en ligne ou pour toute autre raison à notre discrétion.

3.9. Comment nous publions les transactions sur votre compte et déterminons votre solde disponible

3.9.1. Aperçu de la publication
To understand how we post transactions to your Account, it is important to first understand the difference between your Available Balance and your ledger balance. Your Available Balance is the amount of money you have in your Account at any given time that is available for you to use. Your ledger balance is the balance in your Account at the beginning of the day after we have posted all transactions to your Account from the day before. We use your Available Balance to authorize your transactions throughout the day and determine whether you have sufficient funds to pay your transactions. Here are some additional terms that are helpful to understand:

Credit and debit – A credit increases your balance and a debit decreases your balance.

Post or posted – Transactions that are paid from or deposited to your Account. Posted transactions will either increase or decrease both your Available Balance and your ledger balance.

Pending – Transactions that we receive notice of and are scheduled to post to your Account. Pending transactions affect your Available Balance, but not your ledger balance.

Card authorization and settlement – When you use a debit card to make a purchase, the transaction occurs in two steps: card authorization and settlement. Card authorizations reduce your Available Balance, but not your ledger balance. Settlement reduces both your Available Balance and your ledger balance. Card authorizations are removed when settlement occurs or after a certain number of days have passed, whichever is sooner. Please see Section 3.9.4 for more information about card authorizations and settlement.

3.9.2. Ordre de publication
We receive transactions throughout the day and post them to your Account as they are received and in the order that they are received. Note that for debit card transactions, we consider the transaction received when the merchant requests settlement, which may occur several days after you authorize the transaction. See Section 3.9.4 for additional information concerning how debit card transactions are processed.

We may change the order in which we post transactions to your Account at our discretion and without notice to you. It is therefore important for you to keep track of the deposits you make and the transactions you authorize to make sure there are sufficient funds in your Account to cover all transactions and any applicable fees.

3.9.3. Déterminer votre solde disponible
To determine your Available Balance, we start with your ledger balance at the beginning of the business day, add any pending credits or deposits that we make available to you, and subtract any card authorizations and pending debits. All transactions are debited or credited from your Available Balance in the order received.

You may check your available balance via Online Banking Services. Keep in mind that your Available Balance may not reflect every transaction you have initiated or previously authorized. For example, your Available Balance may not include transactions you have authorized that we have not received.

3.9.4. Autorisations de carte de débit
If you are issued a debit card with your Account, you will be able to use your card to pay for goods or services or conduct other transactions with a merchant. When you engage in a transaction with a merchant using your debit card, the merchant will request preauthorization (“card authorization”) for the transaction. If there are sufficient available funds in your Account, we will approve the request and reduce your Available Balance for as long as the card authorization remains on your Account.

Your Available Balance will generally be reduced by the amount of the card authorization.

The card authorization will remain on your Account until the merchant sends us the final amount of the transaction and requests payment (“settlement”). In most cases, If the merchant does not request settlement, or the merchant is delayed in requesting settlement, the card authorization will automatically be removed after 3 days. However, certain merchants such as hotels may hold for a period of up to 7 days.

It is important to understand that the merchant controls the timing of card authorizations or settlement. A merchant may request settlement after the card authorization has been removed from your Account. This means that if you use the funds in your Account after the card authorization has been removed and the merchant later requests settlement, your Account may become overdrawn. A merchant may also request settlement for an amount that is different than the card authorization. Therefore, it is important that you keep track of your transactions and your balance. Once we have approved a card authorization, we cannot stop the transaction and you will be responsible for repaying any negative balance that may occur.

3.10. Déclarations

Des relevés vous seront périodiquement fournis par courrier électronique et via les services bancaires en ligne si votre compte n'est pas inactif. Vous recevrez un relevé mensuellement si vous avez des transactions sur votre compte pendant la période du relevé. S’il n’y a eu aucune transaction sur votre compte, nous pourrions ne pas vous fournir de relevés ou vous fournir des relevés moins fréquemment. Vous ne recevrez pas de relevés papier.

3.11. Erreurs sur votre compte et limitations de responsabilité

You agree to carefully review your statements and promptly report to us any errors or unauthorized activity by email at help@softwrapbank.com within thirty (30) days after we make the statement available to you. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement or required by law, if you do not provide us with timely notice of an error or unauthorized activity, we will deem our records concerning your Account to be correct and you agree that we will not be liable to you for any loss you suffer relating to the error or unauthorized activity. You further agree that we may debit or credit your Account at any time and without notice to you to correct an error or address unauthorized activity.

In any case, our maximum liability to you will never exceed the amount of actual damages proven by you. Our liability may also be further reduced by the amount of the loss that is caused by your own negligence or lack of care, as well as any recovery of the loss you obtain from third parties. Please refer to Section 4 for additional information concerning errors and unauthorized transactions involving electronic fund transfers and related limitations of liability. There may also be other limitations of liability contained in this Agreement.

3.12. Découverts, fonds insuffisants et soldes négatifs

Nous ne vous permettons pas de mettre votre compte à découvert. Si le solde disponible de votre compte n'est pas suffisant pour couvrir une transaction que vous avez autorisée, nous pouvons retourner la transaction ou refuser de traiter la transaction. Cependant, il peut y avoir des cas où votre compte peut encore devenir négatif, par exemple si un dépôt que vous effectuez est restitué. Vous devez effectuer un dépôt immédiatement pour couvrir tout solde négatif. Si votre compte présente un solde négatif pendant soixante (60) jours calendaires ou plus, nous pouvons fermer votre compte.

3.13. Fermeture de votre compte et suspensions de compte

You can close your Account at any time and for any reason by email at help@softwrapbank.com. We reserve the right to refuse your request if you have a negative balance on your Account. We recommend that you transfer or withdraw any funds you may have in the Account prior to submitting a request to close the Account to avoid delays in receiving your funds.

We may also suspend or close your account at our discretion with or without notice. This includes if we believe you are using your Account for fraudulent or illegal purposes or in violation of law or regulation, this Agreement, any other agreement you may have with us or Unit, or if you otherwise present undue risk to us or Unit. We may also close your Account if you have not made any deposits or withdrawals from your Account in over twelve (12) months. In addition, cancelling your enrollment in the Online Banking Services with the Program Partner will result in our closure of the Account and our return of your funds. We are not responsible to you for any damages you may suffer as a result of the closure or suspension of your Account.

If your Account is closed with a balance greater than $1.00, we will return any funds you may have in the Account to you by ACH transfer to another bank account or by paper check. We reserve the right not to return the funds to you if the balance in your Account is $1.00 or less. The closure of your Account or termination of this Agreement does not impact any right or obligation that arose prior to closure or termination, or any right or obligation that, by its nature, should survive termination (including, but not limited to, any indemnification obligation by you, our limitations of liability, and any terms governing arbitration).

3.14. Dormance, inactivité et biens non réclamés

State law and our policy govern when your Account is considered dormant. Your Account is usually considered dormant if you have not accessed your Account, communicated to us about your Account or otherwise shown an interest in your Account within the period specified under applicable law. Each state has varying laws as to when an account becomes dormant, and we may be required to send the balance in your Account if it becomes dormant to the state of your last known address. We will make reasonable efforts to contact you if required by applicable law before transferring the remaining balance of your Account to the applicable state. After we surrender the funds to the state, you must apply to the appropriate state agency to reclaim your funds. You can avoid the surrender of your funds by simply conducting transactions, contacting us about your Account or replying to any abandoned property notices we may provide to you.

We may also place your Account in an inactive status if you have not had any transaction for at least six (6) months. If your Account becomes inactive, you may not receive statements or be able to conduct certain transactions. Inactive Accounts must be reactivated. Contact us by email at help@softwrapbank.com to reactivate your Account.

3.15. Frais de compte et barème des frais

Il n'y a aucun frais associé à ce compte. Les frais sont sujets à changement à tout moment. Nous vous informerons à l’avance de tout changement lorsque la loi l’exige.

4. Transferts électroniques de fonds

Votre compte vous permet de retirer des fonds jusqu'au solde disponible ou d'effectuer des dépôts par virement électronique de fonds (« TEF »). Les TEF sont des transactions traitées par des moyens électroniques et comprennent, entre autres, les virements ACH, les transactions par carte de débit ou ATM et les dépôts directs. Cette section vous fournit des informations ainsi que des informations et conditions importantes concernant les TEF autorisés sur votre compte. Vous pouvez également recevoir des services supplémentaires via les services bancaires en ligne fournis par le partenaire du programme, qui vous permettent d'initier des TEF vers et depuis votre compte qui ne sont pas décrits dans le présent accord. Le partenaire du programme vous fournira des accords et des divulgations distincts applicables à ces services.

4.1. Types de TEF pris en charge par votre compte

Your Account allows the following types of EFTs:

- Direct deposits from your employer or other source of income
- Transfers to or from your Account to or from a linked bank account (see Section 3.6)
- Transfers to or from your Account to a merchant or other third party by providing the third party with your Account routing number and account number
- Purchases or other transactions using your debit card
- ATM deposits or withdrawals using your debit card or ATM card

4.2. Limites des EFT

There are limitations on the frequency and number of transactions you can make to or from your Account. These limits are different for each type of transaction. For limits that apply to transactions that credit or deposit funds into your Account, please refer to Section 3.1 concerning deposits. For limits that apply to transactions that debit or withdraw from your Account, please refer to Section 3.6 concerning withdrawals. For limits that apply to transfers to or from your Account from a linked bank account, please refer to Section 3.7. These security-related limits may change from time to time.

If you have been issued a debit card or ATM card for your Account, there may also be transaction limitations that apply to your use of the card. Please refer to the applicable cardholder agreement provided to you with your card for information on any limitations and other terms.

4.3. Documentation de vos transactions

We will provide you information about each transaction that debits or credits your Account on your statements. Please refer to Section 3.10 for information about statements. You may also be able to view your transaction history and other information through Online Banking Services provided to you by the Program Partner. You may also contact us by email at help@softwrapbank.com , live agent chat, or by phone at 1-442-264-2765 for information concerning your Account or your transactions.

If you are provided with a debit card or ATM card, you can get receipts at the time you make a withdrawal at an ATM or a purchase at a point-of-sale terminal when using your card.

4.4. Virements préautorisés, oppositions de paiement et avis de montants variables

If you authorize us or another company or person to withdraw from your Account on a regular basis (such as when you sign up for “autopay” to pay a recurring bill or invoice), it is called a Preauthorized Transfer. You may request that we place a stop payment on Preauthorized Transfers, as well as get notification when the amount of a particular withdrawal will be different from the amount of the last withdrawal.

4.4.1. Comment demander une opposition au paiement
If you authorize a third party to take payments from your Account on a regular basis through a Preauthorized Transfer, you can place a stop payment on those payments by contacting by email at help@softwrapbank.com at least three (3) business days before the next payment is scheduled to be made.

You must provide us with (1) your name, (2) your Account number, (3) the company or person taking the payments, and (4) the date and amount of the scheduled payment you wish to stop. If you want all future payments from that company or person stopped, be sure to tell us that as well. If you do not provide us with the correct information, such as the correct payee or the correct amount of the payment you wish to stop, we may not be able to stop the payment.

4.4.2. Notices of Varying Amounts

If these regular payments vary in amount, the person or company you are paying will tell you ten (10) days before each payment when it will be made and how much it will be. You may be given the option to only get this notice when the payment will differ by more than a certain amount from the previous payment, or when the amount will fall outside certain limits that you set.

4.5. Questions concernant vos TEF et les erreurs de déclaration ou les TEF non autorisés

You may contact us with questions concerning EFTs that occur on your Account. For questions about card related transactions, contact us at 1-833-333-0417; for all other EFT transactions call us at 1-442-264-2765 or email us at help@softwrapbank.com.

You may also contact us using those methods to report errors or unauthorized EFTs.  Be sure to contact us immediately if you believe that an error or unauthorized EFT has occurred or may occur concerning your Account, or if your Account, debit card, ATM card or Online Banking Services login credentials have been lost, stolen or compromised. You must contact us no later than thirty (30) days after we sent the FIRST statement on which the error or unauthorized EFT appeared. You must provide us with the following information:

- Tell us your name and Account number.
- Describe the error or the EFT you are unsure about and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more information.
- Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error.
- If you tell us orally, we may require that you send us your complaint or question in writing by email within ten (10) business days.

After receiving your notice of error or unauthorized EFT, we will investigate and provide you with the results and any corrections we make to your Account within a commercially reasonable time.

4.6. Notre responsabilité en cas de défaut d'exécution d'une transaction, de transactions non autorisées ou de défaut d'opposition à un paiement

We will respond to notices of errors or unauthorized EFTs and requests to stop payments in a commercially reasonable manner and time. You agree that in no event will we be liable in an amount exceeding the lesser of five thousand dollars ($5,000) or the actual amount of your loss. You also agree that we will not be liable for any amount of loss that you may incur if you:

- Do not tell us about an error or unauthorized EFT within thirty (30) days after the first statement showing the error or unauthorized EFT is made available to you; or
- If you do not provide us with the information necessary to place a stop payment on a Preauthorized Transfer in a timely manner.

In addition, we are not liable for any losses you may incur in any of the following circumstances:

- If the Available Balance in your Account is not sufficient to complete the transaction through no fault of ours.
- If the ATM you use does not have enough cash.
- If the failure is due to an equipment or system breakdown, such as a problem with the Online Banking Services provided by the Program Partner, that you knew about before you began a transaction.
- The failure was caused by an Act of God, fire or other catastrophe, or any other cause beyond our control despite reasonable precautions we have taken.
- If your funds are not available due to a hold or if your funds are subject to legal process.
- If we do not complete a transaction because we or Unit has reason to believe the transaction is unauthorized or illegal.
- If your Account is closed or inactive.
- There may be additional exceptions stated in our or Unit’s agreements with you or permitted by law.

5. Virements bancaires

Le compte peut permettre les virements électroniques nationaux via les services bancaires en ligne qui vous sont fournis par le partenaire du programme.

5.1. Types de virements électroniques pris en charge par votre compte

Your Account may support domestic wire transfers. If wire services are made available to you, your Account will be able to both receive and initiate wire transfers.

We may select any means for the transmission of funds that we consider suitable. We may make use of correspondents, agents, subagents, and funds transfer and communication systems. Such third parties shall be deemed your agents, and we shall not be liable for any errors, delay, misdelivery, or failure of delivery by any of them unless applicable law says otherwise.

We will not be liable for our inability to perform our obligations under this Agreement when such inability arises out of causes beyond our control, including but not limited to, any act of God, accident, labor disputes, power failures, system failure, equipment malfunction, suspension of payment by another bank, refusal or delay by another bank to accept the wire transfer, war, emergency conditions, fire, earthquake, or the failure of any third party to provide any electronic or telecommunication service used in connection with the execution or cancellation of a wire transfer.

5.2. Types de virements électroniques pris en charge par votre compte

Il existe des limites quant à la fréquence et au nombre de transactions que vous pouvez effectuer vers ou depuis votre compte. Ces limites sont différentes pour chaque type de transaction. Pour connaître les limites qui s'appliquent aux transactions qui créditent ou déposent des fonds sur votre compte, veuillez vous référer à la section 3.1 concernant les dépôts. Pour connaître les limites qui s'appliquent aux transactions qui débitent ou retirent de votre compte, veuillez vous référer à la section 3.6 concernant les retraits. Il peut y avoir des limites quant aux bénéficiaires pouvant recevoir un virement bancaire que vous effectuez à partir de votre compte. Ces limites liées à la sécurité peuvent changer de temps à autre.

5.3. Heures limites pour les virements électroniques

We have cut-off hours for processing wire transfers. If a wire request is received by 1:00 PM ET on a Business Day and verified through our security procedures outlined in the section below titled “Security Procedures,” funds will be processed the same business day. If it is received after 1:00 PM ET or on a non-Business Day and verified through our security procedures, funds may be processed the next business day.

We may treat any wire transfer request received at or after our cut-off time as if it was received that business day, or we may treat it as if it were received at the opening of the next business day.

5.4. Procédures de sécurité

You agree and consent to the use of certain security procedures by us to confirm the validity of the wire transfer request made pursuant to this Agreement. You understand the security procedures are not designed to detect errors in the content of the wire transfer request or to prevent duplicate transfers. Some elements of the procedures will vary, depending upon the method used to initiate a wire transfer. You hereby agree that your utilization of any security procedure established hereunder shall constitute your agreement to its use and affirmative acknowledgment of its commercial reasonableness.

You further agree that any wire transfer request that is acted upon in good faith by us in compliance with these security procedures, whether in fact authorized by you, shall constitute an authorized wire transfer.

5.5. Responsabilité en cas de virements électroniques incorrects

You are responsible for providing us with the accurate name and account number for wire transfers, and we are responsible for transmitting money to the account number you provided.

When you provide us with a name and account number for us to process a wire transfer, we may make payment solely on the basis of the account number, even if the account number identifies a person different from the beneficiary so named. We or an intermediary bank may send a wire transfer to an intermediary bank or beneficiary's/designated recipient's bank based solely on the bank identifying number, even if the payment order indicates a different name. You should be very careful when providing the account number for a wire transfer.

If you have provided us with the wrong account number, there may be no way to correct the error or retrieve the funds. You agree that you will pay the amount of a wire transfer even in such circumstances. You are responsible for any losses resulting from an incorrect account number or your misidentification of the beneficiary/designated recipient.

If you think a wire transfer is wrong or if you need more information about a wire transfer, you must contact us by email at help@softwrapbank.com as soon as possible and no later than fourteen (14) days after you receive your monthly statement. If you don’t tell us about an error, we will not have any obligation to pay interest on the amount of an unauthorized or erroneous wire transfer for which we are liable, and you will also be liable to us for any damages or losses we may incur.

5.6. Paiement

Vous devez nous payer le montant du virement bancaire, plus tous les frais applicables, avant que nous exécutions la demande de virement bancaire. Veuillez consulter la section 3.15 du présent Accord pour connaître les frais applicables aux virements électroniques.

5.7. Exécution des virements électroniques

A wire transfer request is considered accepted by us when we execute it. Please refer to Section 5.3 concerning cut-off times for more details. You can verify whether your wire transfer request has been executed by email at help@softwrapbank.com , live agent chat, or phone at 1-442-264-2765 .

We have no responsibility to accept any incoming wire transfer(s) for your benefit. Likewise, we have a right to reject any wire transfer request(s) for an outgoing wire transfer for reasons including, but not limited to, insufficient or uncollected funds in the account specified in the wire transfer request, a request that fails any requires security procedures, our inability to execute the wire transfer for the reasons set out in the section of this agreement entitled method used to make the wire transfer above, or if we are unable to verify the authenticity of the wire transfer request. If we stop a domestic outgoing wire transfer, we will refund the fee.

If we determine, in our sole discretion, not to honor, execute, or accept a wire transfer request, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you. We will also make reasonable efforts to notify you promptly if a wire transfer is returned to us after its execution. In either case, we shall have no liability by reason of our delay or failure to provide you with notice, and we shall have no obligation to resend a wire transfer if we complied with the original wire transfer request and such wire transfer was returned to us.

5.8. Annulation ou modification du virement bancaire

Une fois que nous recevons une demande de virement bancaire, il se peut qu’elle ne puisse pas être annulée ou modifiée. Cependant, à notre discrétion, nous pouvons déployer des efforts raisonnables pour donner suite à toute demande d'annulation ou de modification, à condition que la méthode par laquelle nous sommes informés d'une demande d'annulation ou de modification soit conforme à nos procédures de sécurité. Cependant, nous ne pourrons être tenus responsables si cette annulation ou modification n'est pas affectée. Vous acceptez de nous indemniser et de nous dégager de toute responsabilité pour toute responsabilité, réclamation, dommage, coût et dépense que nous pourrions encourir en tentant d'annuler ou de modifier le virement bancaire. toute annulation ou modification d'un virement bancaire par nous nous dégagera de toute obligation de donner suite à la demande de virement bancaire originale.

5.9. Notre responsabilité en cas de non-exécution d'un virement bancaire

Nous serons uniquement responsables de l'exécution du service de virement bancaire expressément prévu dans le présent Contrat ; à condition toutefois que nous ne soyons responsables que de notre propre négligence grave ou faute intentionnelle dans l'exécution d'un tel service. Nous ne serons pas responsables envers un tiers ou pour tout acte ou omission de votre part ou de celui d'un tiers, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, les tiers que nous utilisons pour exécuter un virement bancaire ou accomplir un acte connexe et aucun de ces tiers ne pourra être considéré comme notre agent. EN AUCUN CAS NOUS NE POURRONS ÊTRE RESPONSABLES DE TOUT DOMMAGE DE QUELQUE NATURE QUE CE SOIT, Y COMPRIS, SANS LIMITATION, LES DOMMAGES DIRECTS, INDIRECTS, PUNITIFS, SPÉCIAUX, ACCESSOIRES OU CONSÉCUTIFS, LA PERTE DE PROFITS, LES PERTES OU LES DÉPENSES DÉCOULANT DE OU EN RELATION AVEC LE SERVICE DE VIREMENT ÉLECTRIQUE, MÊME SI NOUS ONT ÉTÉ AVISÉS DE LA POSSIBILITÉ DE MÊME. Sauf disposition contraire de la loi applicable, la période maximale pendant laquelle nous serons redevables des intérêts sur tout montant qui vous sera remboursé ou payé en ce qui concerne une demande de virement bancaire non autorisée, erronée ou autre est de trente jours.

5.10. Votre responsabilité en cas de virements électroniques non autorisés

Sauf disposition contraire de la loi, vous serez responsable de toute perte ou dommage auquel votre négligence a contribué ou qui a entraîné des actes non autorisés, frauduleux ou malhonnêtes de la part de vos représentants autorisés actuels et/ou anciens. Cette responsabilité inclut les cas où un représentant autorisé actuel ou ancien effectue un ou plusieurs virements électroniques ou une utilisation inappropriée des procédures de sécurité téléphoniques pour effectuer un virement bancaire à votre détriment.

5.11. Conformité aux réglementations en matière de lutte contre le blanchiment d'argent et de contrôle des changes et aux sanctions appliquées par l'OFAC

You agree to observe all Anti-Money Laundering and Exchange Control laws and regulations including economic and trade sanctions promulgated by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of Treasury in relation to any wire transfer, and you will use all reasonable endeavors to assist us to do likewise. You agree that the information given to us by you is accurate. We may disclose any information given to us that we in our sole discretion think necessary or desirable to disclose; except we will only disclose confidential information if required by law, a court, or legal, regulatory, or governmental authority, or as permitted by law to combat, prevent, or investigate issues arising under anti-money laundering laws, economic sanctions, or criminal law.

Sometimes legal, regulatory, or governmental authorities require additional information, either in respect of individuals, entities, or certain transactions. You agree to promptly supply all such information, which any such authority may require, and/or which we may be required to supply, in relation to the individual, entity, or particular transaction.

If you, or your authorized representative, breach any such laws or regulations, you irrevocably agree that we may retain any monies or funds transmitted to us pursuant to this Agreement and/or not fulfill any wire transfer request if we are required to take or refrain from such action by any legal, regulatory, or governmental authority or if we reasonably believe that such action may violate any laws or regulations described herein, and such monies shall not bear interest against us. You further agree that we may pay such monies to the appropriate legal, regulatory, or governmental authority, if and when required by law.

6. Dépôts de chèques et services de dépôt mobile

You can only deposit checks into the Account using the mobile deposit capture services (the “MDC Services,” as further described herein) and in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The MDC Services allow you to make deposits to your Account from a compatible mobile device by scanning or photographing checks and delivering the images and associated deposit information to us or our designated processor. By using the MDC Services, you agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations and National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) rules that apply to remote deposit check capture processing and ACH transaction processing.

As defined in the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act (“Check 21”), a “check” is a draft, payable on demand and drawn on or payable through or at an office of a bank, whether or not negotiable, that is handled for forward collection or return, including substitute checks (see Section 6.1.1) and travelers checks.

6.1. Chèques de substitution et vos droits

Federal rules for Check 21 allow banks to replace original checks with “substitute checks,” as defined in Check 21. Below are the details and your rights related to substitute checks.

6.1.1. Chèques de remplacement
To make check processing faster, federal law permits banks to replace original checks with “substitute checks.” These checks are similar in size to original checks with a slightly reduced image of the front and back of the original check. The front of a substitute check states: “This is a legal copy of your check. You can use it the same way you would use the original check.” You may use a substitute check as proof of payment just like the original check.

Some or all of the checks that you receive back from us may be substitute checks. This notice describes rights you have when you receive substitute checks from us. The rights in this notice do not apply to original checks or to electronic debits to your account. However, you have rights under other law with respect to those transactions.

6.2. Admissibilité à utiliser les services MDC

Accountholders adhering to all requirements described herein may be eligible to use the MDC Services. Not all Accounts are eligible for the MDC Services. We may terminate your use of the MDC Services at any time at our sole discretion. You may also stop using the MDC Services at any time. However, any images or information transmitted through your use of the MDC Services shall continue to be subject to this Agreement after termination. We may change our eligibility criteria at any time with or without notice to you.

To use the MDC Services, you must 1) have a mobile device w/built-in camera 2) be able to access the Services on iOS, Android or Mobile Web and 3) be enrolled in the Online Banking Service. The MDC Services are not compatible with desktop or laptop computers.

6.3. Articles éligibles

Vous acceptez que les seules images que vous numériserez ou capturerez et déposerez (« transmettrez ») sur votre compte via l'utilisation des services MDC seront des articles éligibles. Les « Articles éligibles » incluent les articles papier définis comme des « chèques » ou des « chèques certifiés » en vertu de la réglementation de la Réserve fédérale CC et d'autres articles papier non interdits par le présent Accord. Vous acceptez que les images considérées comme des éléments non éligibles (voir la section 6.4) ne puissent pas être transmises à votre compte et seront rejetées par nous. Vous acceptez en outre que l'image de l'article éligible qui nous est transmise sera considérée comme un « article » au sens adopté dans le Uniform Commercial Code de Virginie de votre compte.

6.4. Articles non éligibles

You agree you will not use the MDC Services to scan or deposit images of items that:

- are not payable in United States currency;
- are not drawn on a financial institution located in the United States;
- are payable to someone other than you;
- are money orders, savings bonds, or traveler’s checks;
- are checks authorized over the telephone and created remotely;
- are images of a check that never existed in paper form;
- must be authorized or activated by us prior to being deposited;
- have already been deposited by or returned to you;
- are not legible or do not conform to our standards, as determined in our sole discretion;
- are fraudulent, not authorized, suspicious or not likely to be honored;
- are not dated, are post-dated, or are more than 6 months old when transmitted;
- do not comply with the requirements established from time to time by any applicable statute, regulation, regulatory agency, clearing house or association;
- we deem to be Ineligible Items herein or at any other time, with or without prior notice to you;
- do not comply with the requirements of your Account Agreement; or
- do not meet the Technical Requirements described in Section 6.5).

These items, collectively, are “Ineligible Items” under this Agreement, and they are not eligible for deposit into your Account via the MDC Services.

6.5. Capture, transmission, traitement et paiement d'images

All images you transmit to us using the MDC Services must comply with the technical requirements we may specify from time to time (the “Technical Requirements”). You are responsible for all expenses you incur to meet the Technical Requirements. We reserve the right to change the Technical Requirements at any time without prior notice.

You are responsible for reviewing and validating the accuracy and completeness of any information you transmit to us, including but not limited to the amount indicated on the item and the legibility of the image transmitted. You will only submit check images that meet our quality standards. You will not transmit an image or images of the same check to us more than once and will not deposit or negotiate, or seek to deposit or negotiate, such check or item with us or any other party.

You shall be solely responsible for ensuring the quality, accuracy and completeness of the images you transmit using the MDC Services. You shall be solely responsible for the selection, use and operation of the mobile device you use to transmit images.

We can attempt to process, collect, present for payment, return or re-present images you attempt to transmit in any way we choose that is allowed by law.

We can also reject any transmission for any reason at our option and without liability. An image shall be deemed received when you receive a confirmation from us that we have received the image. Receipt of such confirmation does not mean that the transmission was an Eligible Item or accepted.

If an image does not meet our requirements, we can also at our option:

- process the image as received for payment;
- correct the image or its accompanying data and process the corrected image for payment;
- process the deposit for payment in another format as allowed; or
- debit (chargeback) your Account for the amount indicated in the image.

Successfully transmitting an image to us does not mean that your transmission and deposit are complete. All of your images are subject to our further verification prior to being accepted for deposit and payment. Do not destroy the item transmitted as an image until you see the full deposit amount posted when you view your transaction history via the Online Banking Services.

6.6. Limites des services MDC

Il peut y avoir des limites quant à la fréquence et au montant des transactions que vous pouvez effectuer en utilisant les services MDC. Veuillez vous référer à la section 3.1 concernant les limitations de dépôt pour obtenir des informations sur les limitations de transaction qui s'appliqueront à votre utilisation des services MDC.

6.7. Avenants requis sur les objets que vous déposez et gestion de l'objet d'origine

When you transmit an image to us, you will still have possession of the original item. To prevent an additional submission of the item for payment, you are required take the following steps:

- Before you transmit an image to us, you must endorse the original item being captured for transmission by signing the back of the original item and writing the words “For deposit only at Blue Ridge Bank, N.A.” either above or below your signature.
- After you transmit the image to us, you should write the date and the words “Deposited by MDC” on the front of the item and keep the original item in a safe place.

You should not deposit or attempt to cash the item after transmitting the image to us.

6.8. Disponibilité de vos dépôts via les services MDC

Vous reconnaissez que les éléments transmis à l'aide des services MDC ne sont pas soumis aux règles de disponibilité des fonds contenues dans le règlement CC. Les fonds déposés à l'aide des services MDC seront généralement mis à votre disposition pour retrait dans les cinq (5) jours ouvrables suivant le jour de votre dépôt. Voir la section 6.9 pour plus d'informations sur la façon dont nous déterminons le jour où votre dépôt est effectué. Nous pouvons rendre ces fonds disponibles tôt ou tard en fonction de la durée et de l'étendue de votre relation avec nous, des informations sur les transactions et l'expérience, ainsi que d'autres facteurs de sécurité et liés aux risques que nous jugeons pertinents, à notre seule discrétion.

6.9. Heures limites pour les dépôts utilisant les services MDC

Si vous nous transmettez avec succès une image avant l’heure limite du compte un jour ouvrable où nous sommes ouverts, nous considérerons ce jour comme étant le jour de votre dépôt. Voir la section 3.2 pour plus d'informations sur les heures limites. Passé ce délai ou un jour où nous ne sommes pas ouverts, nous considérerons que le dépôt est effectué le jour ouvrable suivant où nous sommes ouverts.

6.10. les erreurs

Vous acceptez de nous informer de toute erreur suspectée concernant les éléments transmis via les services MDC immédiatement, et en aucun cas plus de soixante (60) jours après que le premier relevé de compte sur lequel l'erreur apparaît soit mis à votre disposition. À moins que vous ne nous informiez d'une erreur dans les soixante (60) jours suivant la mise à votre disposition du relevé de compte applicable, tous les dépôts effectués via les services MDC qui apparaissent sur ce relevé seront considérés comme corrects et nous n'aurons aucune obligation d'enquêter sur toute réclamation. de l'erreur que vous faites.

6.11. Rétrofacturation

We can chargeback your Account or any other deposit account you have with us for the amount of any item, its image or any other representation of an item that is:

- returned to us; or
- is rejected by us for any reason, including when we believe it has been previously submitted or deposited with us or with anyone else.

This is true even if you have made withdrawals against any amount we have credited to your Account for the deposited item that was returned or rejected.

We can also charge fees connected to the chargeback as described in your Account Agreement and any other agreements you have with us.

6.12. Frais

If your mobile device is lost or stolen, or if you believe there has been unauthorized activity involving the MDC Services, tell us immediately by emailing help@softwrapbank.com or calling 1-442-264-2765 and promptly change your password.

6.13. Sécurité

You are responsible for protecting your mobile device against unauthorized use as well as any losses and damages from unauthorized access. You will protect your mobile device, set up strong passwords and take other reasonable security precautions to protect your mobile device from unauthorized use. Always keep your passwords secret and remember that neither we nor any of our employees or agents will ever ask for your password. If you receive a communication from anyone requesting that you provide your password, do not respond. We are not responsible or obligated for any of these security precautions. If another person uses the MDC Services with your mobile device, you will be responsible for their actions on the Account as well as anyone else they allow to use your mobile device. This will be true even if you did not want, or agree to, their use.

If your mobile device is lost or stolen, or if you believe there has been unauthorized activity involving the MDC Services, tell us immediately by emailing help@softwrapbank.com or calling 1-442-264-2765 and promptly change your password.

6.14. Interruption des services MDC

Les services MDC peuvent ne pas être disponibles de temps à autre en raison de maintenance, de problèmes techniques ou pour d'autres raisons. Nous ne sommes pas responsables si les services MDC ne sont pas disponibles. Nous ne pouvons assumer la responsabilité des difficultés techniques ou autres ou des dommages qui en résulteraient que vous pourriez subir. Nous nous réservons le droit de modifier, suspendre, interrompre ou limiter votre utilisation des services MDC, en tout ou en partie, immédiatement et à tout moment sans préavis.

6.15. Propriété et licence

You agree that we retain all ownership and proprietary rights in the MDC Services, associated content, technology, and website(s). Your use of the MDC Services is subject to and conditioned upon your complete compliance with this Agreement. Without limiting the effect of the foregoing, any breach of this Agreement immediately terminates your right to use the MDC Services. Without limiting the restriction of the foregoing, you may not use the MDC Services:

- in any anti-competitive manner;
- for any purpose which would be contrary to our business interests (as deemed by us in our sole discretion); or
- to our actual or potential economic disadvantage in any aspect.

6.16. Indemnisation et limitation de responsabilité

You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold us, and any of our services providers responsible for administering the MDC Services, harmless from any losses incurred from (1) your breach of the Agreement, (2) a return of a check deposit made using the MDC Services due to incomplete or incorrect information provided, a closed account, or insufficient funds, and (3) fraudulent activity.


You agree that neither we nor any service provider we use to facilitate the MDC Services will be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages, including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other losses resulting from the use or the inability to use the Service incurred by you or any third party arising from or related to the use of, inability to use, or the termination of the use of the MDC Services, regardless of the form of action or claim (whether contract, tort, strict liability or otherwise), even if we have been informed of the possibility thereof.

6.17. Résiliation

Nous pouvons mettre fin à votre accès aux services MDC pour quelque raison que ce soit, y compris en raison de votre violation substantielle du présent accord, de vos actions ou omissions frauduleuses concernant votre utilisation des services MDC, si vous devenez insolvable ou déclarez faillite, ou s'il y a un changement dans les règles qui régissent votre utilisation des services MDC.

6.18. Tiers bénéficiaire

Vous reconnaissez et acceptez que tout fournisseur de services tiers qui facilite votre utilisation des services MDC est un tiers bénéficiaire du présent Contrat et que le fournisseur de services tiers a le droit de faire directement valoir vos obligations du présent Contrat à votre encontre.

7. Autres termes et conditions juridiques

7.1. Aucune affectation

Votre compte et vos obligations en vertu du présent accord ne sont ni transférables ni cessibles en garantie d'un prêt ou à toute autre fin. Nous pouvons transférer nos droits en vertu du présent Accord.

7.2. Processus juridiques et réclamations affectant votre compte

Si nous recevons un prélèvement, une saisie ou une autre procédure judiciaire à votre encontre (collectivement, « Processus juridique »), nous pouvons refuser d'autoriser les retraits ou les transferts de votre compte jusqu'à ce que la procédure judiciaire soit rejetée ou satisfaite. Toute procédure judiciaire sera soumise à notre droit de compensation et à nos sûretés. Vous êtes responsable de toutes pertes, coûts ou dépenses que nous encourons à la suite de tout litige ou procédure judiciaire impliquant votre compte. Si nous recevons une réclamation contre les fonds de votre compte, ou si nous savons ou pensons qu'il existe un litige quant à la propriété ou au contrôle des fonds de votre compte, nous pouvons, à notre discrétion : (1) suspendre les fonds de votre compte. votre compte et refuser de verser des fonds jusqu'à ce que nous soyons convaincus que le litige est réglé ; (2) fermez votre compte et envoyez le solde au titulaire du compte désigné ; (3) exiger une ordonnance du tribunal pour agir ; ou (4) prendre toute autre mesure que nous jugeons nécessaire pour nous protéger. Nous ne serons pas responsables envers vous si vous prenez de telles mesures.

7.3. Limitation de responsabilité et exclusion de garantie





7.4. Indemnité

You agree to indemnify and hold us and our officers, directors, shareholders, employees, successors, predecessors, representatives, principals, agents, assigns, parents, subsidiaries and/or insurers harmless for any losses, damages, suits and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, that we may incur, without regard to the merit or lack thereof, arising out of, or related in any way to (1) the matters set forth herein; (2) our taking any action or not taking any action that we are entitled to take pursuant to this Agreement; (3) any action or omission by you; or (4) our action or inaction in reliance upon oral, written or electronic instructions or information from you.

Equally, you agree to indemnify and hold Unit and its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, successors, predecessors, representatives, principals, agents, assigns, parents, subsidiaries and/or insurers harmless for any losses, damages, suits and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, that we may incur, without regard to the merit or lack thereof, arising out of, or related in any way to (1) the matters set forth herein; (2) our taking any action or not taking any action that we are entitled to take pursuant to this Agreement; (3) any action or omission by you; or (4) our action or inaction in reliance upon oral, written or electronic instructions or information from you.

7.5. Notre droit de compensation et nos sûretés

We have the right to set-off any liability, direct or contingent, past, present or future that you owe against any account you have with us. This means that we can take any funds in your Account or any other account you have with us to pay any debt or liability you owe us. You also agree to grant us a security interest in your Account to secure payment of any money that you owe to us or will owe us arising under this Agreement or any other agreements with us. You acknowledge that this security interest is consensual and in addition to any right of set-off. We may exercise our security interest or right of set-off without regard to the source of the funds in your Account or prior recourse to other sources of repayment or collateral, even if it causes you to incur penalties or suffer any other consequence. You waive any conditions or limits to our right of set-off to the maximum extent permitted by law. We will notify you if we exercise our right to set-off if required by law.

If we take any action to collect debt incurred by you or other amounts you owe us under this Agreement or defend ourselves in a lawsuit brought by you where we are the prevailing party, you agree to reimburse us for our losses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees, to the extent permitted by applicable law. We may charge your Account for our losses without prior notice to you.

7.6. Modifications des conditions et services supplémentaires

We may change this Agreement, or any fees and features of your Account, at any time by posting an amended Agreement on the Program Partner's website, https://softwrapbank.com , and any such amendment shall be effective upon posting. We will give you advance notice of any change where required by law. We may provide such notice to you with your statement, electronically, or by mail. Any notice we provide to you will be binding and sent to the last (postal or electronic) address in our records. We may change your address if we receive an address change notice from the U.S. Postal Service. We may change or terminate this Agreement without notice at our discretion or to comply with any appropriate federal or state law or regulation.

If we make any of our other banking services available to you in connection with your Account, we may provide certain terms and conditions for those additional services to you in a separate agreement or disclosure.

7.7. Aucune renonciation aux droits

We may waive or decline to enforce any of our rights under this Agreement without obligating ourselves to waive such rights in the future or on any other occasion. We may release any other person obligated under this Agreement without affecting your responsibilities under this Agreement.

7.8. Conflits et titres de section

If there is a conflict between this Agreement and any other document or statement made to you concerning the Account, this Agreement will govern. If there is a conflict between this Agreement and any other document or statement made to you concerning any services or products other than the Account, the separate terms and conditions applicable to that service or product will govern. Section headings that appear in this Agreement are for convenience purposes only and are intended to help you find information. They should not be construed as affecting the meaning of the Agreement.

7.9. Divisibilité

If any court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction determines that any provision of this Agreement is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected. To the extent permitted by law, the parties waive any provision of law which prohibits or renders unenforceable any provisions of this Agreement, and to the extent that such waiver is not permitted by law, you and us agree that such provision will be interpreted as modified to the minimum extent necessary to render the provisions enforceable.

7.10. Loi applicable, forum et délais

All actions relating to your Account and this Agreement will be governed by the laws and regulations of the United States and the Commonwealth of Virginia where your Account will be opened, irrespective of conflict of law principles. You agree that any dispute arising under this Agreement or relating in any way to your relationship with us that is not arbitrated will be resolved in a federal or state court located in Virginia and that you will be subject to such court’s jurisdiction.

Except where prohibited by law, you agree that you must file any lawsuit or arbitration against us within two (2) years after the claim arises unless federal or Virginia law, or another agreement you have with us, provides for a shorter time. If federal or Virginia law requires a longer period than the periods in this Agreement, you agree to the shortest period permitted under the law.

8. Arbitrage et renonciations


8.1. Choix d'arbitrer

Vous, SoftWrap LLC et la Banque acceptez que le forum et le recours uniques et exclusifs pour la résolution d'une réclamation soient un arbitrage final et exécutoire conformément à la présente section 7 (la « Disposition d'arbitrage »). Tel qu'utilisé dans la présente disposition d'arbitrage, le terme « réclamation » inclut toute réclamation, litige ou controverse passé, présent ou futur impliquant vous (ou les personnes réclamant par votre intermédiaire ou liées à vous), d'une part, et nous, d'autre part, liés à ou découlant du présent Accord, et/ou aux activités ou relations qui impliquent, conduisent à ou résultent du présent Accord, y compris la validité ou le caractère exécutoire de la présente Disposition d'arbitrage, de toute partie de celle-ci ou de l'intégralité de l'Accord. Les réclamations sont soumises à l'arbitrage, qu'elles découlent ou non d'un contrat ; délit (intentionnel ou autre) ; une constitution, un statut, une common law ou des principes d'équité ; ou autrement. Les réclamations comprennent les questions découlant de réclamations initiales, de demandes reconventionnelles, de demandes croisées, de réclamations de tiers ou autres. Veuillez noter que vous pouvez continuer à faire valoir vos réclamations devant le tribunal des petites créances, si vos réclamations sont admissibles et tant que l'affaire reste devant ce tribunal et progresse uniquement sur une base individuelle (hors groupe, non représentatif). La portée de cette disposition d’arbitrage doit recevoir l’interprétation la plus large possible qui soit exécutoire.

8.2. Applicabilité de la loi fédérale sur l'arbitrage ; Pouvoirs de l'arbitre

Cette disposition d'arbitrage est prise dans le cadre d'une transaction impliquant un commerce interétatique et sera régie et exécutoire en vertu de la loi fédérale sur l'arbitrage (la « FAA »). L'arbitre appliquera le droit matériel conformément à la FAA et aux délais de prescription applicables. L'arbitre peut accorder des dommages-intérêts ou d'autres types de réparation autorisés par le droit matériel applicable, sous réserve des limitations énoncées dans la présente disposition d'arbitrage. L'arbitre ne sera pas lié par les règles judiciaires de procédure et de preuve qui s'appliqueraient devant un tribunal. L'arbitre doit prendre des mesures pour protéger raisonnablement les informations confidentielles.

8.3. Résolution informelle des différends

If a Claim arises, our goal is to address your concerns and, if we are unable to do so, to provide you with a neutral and cost-effective means of resolving the dispute quickly. You agree that before filing any claim in arbitration, you will first submit your Claim to us by email at help@softwrapbank.com and provide us with the opportunity to resolve your concern prior to initiating arbitration.

8.4. Procédures d'arbitrage

The party initiating arbitration shall do so with the American Arbitration Association (the “AAA”) or Judicial Alternatives and Mediation Services (“JAMS”). The arbitration shall be conducted according to, and the location of the arbitration shall be determined in accordance with, the rules and policies of the administrator selected, except to the extent the rules conflict with this Arbitration Provision or any countervailing law. If you have any questions concerning the AAA or would like to obtain a copy of the AAA arbitration rules, you may call 1(800) 778-7879 or visit the AAA's web site at: www.adr.org . If you have any questions concerning JAMS or would like to obtain a copy of the JAMS arbitration rules, you may call 1(800) 352-5267 or visit their web site at: www.jamsadr.com . In the case of a conflict between the rules and policies of the administrator and this Arbitration Provision, this Arbitration Provision shall control, subject to countervailing law, unless all parties to the arbitration consent to have the rules and policies of the administrator apply. The arbitration will be held in the United States county where you live or work, or any other location we agree to.

8.5. Frais d'arbitrage

Si nous engageons un arbitrage, nous paierons tous les frais de dossier et les frais administratifs de l'administrateur (autres que les frais d'audience). Si vous lancez un arbitrage, les frais de dossier et les frais administratifs (autres que les frais d'audience) seront payés conformément aux règles de l'administrateur sélectionné, ou conformément à la loi compensatoire s'ils sont contraires aux règles de l'administrateur. Nous paierons les frais d'audience de l'administrateur pour une journée complète d'audience d'arbitrage. Les frais d'audience qui dépassent une journée seront payés par la partie demandant l'audience, à moins que les règles de l'administrateur ou la loi applicable n'exigent le contraire, ou que vous demandiez que nous les payions et que nous acceptions de le faire. Chaque partie supportera les frais de ses propres honoraires d'avocat, sauf disposition contraire de la loi. Si une loi vous donne le droit de récupérer l'un de ces frais, ces droits statutaires s'appliqueront lors de l'arbitrage, nonobstant toute disposition contraire des présentes.

8.6. Appels

Dans les 30 jours suivant la sentence finale de l'arbitre, toute partie peut faire appel de la sentence pour réexamen par un panel de trois arbitres sélectionnés selon les règles de l'arbitre-administrateur. Dans le cas d'un tel appel, toute partie adverse peut faire un appel incident dans les 30 jours suivant la notification de l'appel. Le jury réexaminera de novo tous les aspects de la sentence initiale qui font l'objet d'un appel. Les frais et le déroulement de tout appel seront régis par la présente disposition d'arbitrage et les règles de l'administrateur, de la même manière que la procédure d'arbitrage initiale. Toute sentence de l'arbitre individuel qui n'est pas susceptible d'appel, et toute sentence du comité en appel, sera définitive et exécutoire, à l'exception de tout droit d'appel en vertu de la Federal Arbitration Act (« FAA »), et peut être inscrite comme jugement dans tout tribunal compétent.

8.7. Aucun recours collectif

Unless consented to in writing by all parties to the arbitration, no party to the arbitration may join, consolidate, or otherwise bring claims for or on behalf of two or more individuals or unrelated corporate entities in the same arbitration unless those persons are parties to a single transaction. Unless consented to in writing by all parties to the arbitration, an award in arbitration shall determine the rights and obligations of the named parties only, and only with respect to the claims in arbitration, and shall not (a) determine the rights, obligations, or interests of anyone other than a named party, or resolve any Claim of anyone other than a named party; nor (b) make an award for the benefit of, or against, anyone other than a named party. No administrator or arbitrator shall have the power or authority to waive, modify, or fail to enforce this Section 7.7, and any attempt to do so, whether by rule, policy, arbitration decision or otherwise, shall be invalid and unenforceable. Any challenge to the validity of this Section 7.7 shall be determined exclusively by a court and not by the administrator or any arbitrator.

8.8. Survie et divisibilité de la disposition d’arbitrage

Cette disposition d'arbitrage survivra à la résiliation du présent accord. Si une partie de cette disposition d'arbitrage autre que la section 7.7 est jugée invalide ou inapplicable, les parties restantes de cette disposition d'arbitrage resteront néanmoins valides et en vigueur. S'il existe une décision judiciaire finale selon laquelle la loi applicable empêche l'application des limitations de la présente disposition d'arbitrage quant à une demande particulière de réparation ou à une condition particulière, alors cette demande (et seulement cette demande) ou cette condition (et seulement cette condition) doit être séparée de la disposition d'arbitrage et peut être portée devant les tribunaux. Si un arbitrage est intenté sur une base collective, représentative ou collective et que les limitations à une telle procédure énoncées à l'article 7.7 sont finalement jugées inapplicables conformément à la dernière phrase de l'article 7.7, aucun arbitrage ne sera alors effectué. En aucun cas, une invalidation ne sera considérée comme autorisant un arbitre à déterminer les réclamations ou à rendre des sentences au-delà de celles autorisées dans la présente disposition d'arbitrage.

8.9. Forum judiciaire pour les réclamations

Sauf disposition contraire de la loi applicable, s'il s'avère que cette disposition d'arbitrage ne s'applique pas à vous ou à votre réclamation, vous et la Banque convenez que toute procédure judiciaire (autre que les actions en petites créances) sera intentée devant les tribunaux fédéraux ou étatiques du pays. Commonwealth de Virginie. Vous et la Banque consentez au lieu et à la compétence personnelle de ce lieu. Nous sommes tous les deux d’accord pour renoncer à notre droit à un procès devant jury.



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